Highest cleaning standards
Professional Cleaning
We have all the necessary tools need for deep cleaning of tooth products. Smile Gizmo beliefs in professional cleaning our professionals will deep clean all your gizmo
Healthy Teeth
Toothbrushes contain most of the bacteria, germs & fungi which directly comes to the mouth so cleaning the tooth products is necessary and here comes our service to help you get rid of those germs and keep your mouth clean!
Home Pickup & Drop off
For our customers we have provided the facility of home pick-up and drop off so that our customers dont take stress for their products
Properly Sanitized
After deep cleaning of all the gizmo’s we assure that all the gizmo’s should be properly pack and santized
Susan Bernstain
As you reach for your toothbrush each morning, you may not realize what’s hanging out on its bristles.
“Toothbrushes can become contaminated with oral microbial organisms whenever they are placed in the mouth,” says Sharon Cooper, PhD.
Viruses and bacteria from an infected person’s mouth can live for weeks on a toothbrush surface, and continue to cause illness, says Cooper, a clinical associate professor at the University of Florida College of Dentistry….
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Jill Meyer-Lippert
Certain types of cancer treatments can weaken your immune system by causing low blood cell counts, including white blood cells that help the body fight infection. Low white blood cell counts can not only cause delays in your treatments but can result in serious, even life-threatening infections.
Frequent hand washing, avoiding crowds and people who are sick are a few ways to evade dangerous infections. Another potential source for infection that many overlook is their toothbrush. Toothbrushes can be contaminated with not only viruses, bacteria and fungi from the mouth, but also from the environment where it is stored….
Our mission is : Every person deserves a safe and hygienic smile
Our vision is : To offer the most affordable, fastest and hassle-free toothbrush, dentures, nightguard and more cleaning service in America. We guarantee the best service and complete satisfaction to our customers, provided by a truly happy team. Our headquarter is located in California within close proximity of major shipping hubs so we can better serve you